Create a Winning Sales Culture | Planning Process for High Performance

Create a Winning Sales Culture – Planning Process for High Performance

It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”Planning Process

-W. Somerset Maugham 

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”

Thomas Alva Edison 

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” – Benjamin Franklin


A proven strategy for exceeding goals and objectives is to have the plan to do so. It is essential that this plan is jointly developed with the full participation of all key stakeholders. In a winning sales culture, building a plan to exceed goals is not a surprise to anyone. The reason for this is quite simple; the expectation for high performance is business as usual.

Early on in the planning session, the Senior Business Leader will present the stretch sales target(s) for the upcoming year/business cycle. (A stretch target is the official business plan goal, plus an add-on). It is essential that the Senior Business Leader will articulate and confirm understanding as to the respective portion of the revised contribution which is attributable to each member of the sales leadership team. Clear and unequivocal accountability must be confirmed.

As the Senior Business Leader, one should expect some push-back and concerns as to what is realistic and truly attainable. Spirited, informed dialogue based upon knowledge and experience is constructive and will be encouraged by enlightened Senior Leaders. That is, the discussion here is essential for providing for a healthy exchange of information that will result in a clear identification of bona fide issues and obstacles. The bottom line is that key success factors delineated through this process will provide the blueprint to meet stretch targets. (Note: The original stretch target may be modified based upon the input from stakeholders in the meeting. However, there now is joint ownership of the new aggressive goal, as well as a common understanding of what it will take to be successful.)

Finally, the Senior Business Leader must make a firm and irrevocable commitment to provide the appropriate resources and support that the team has identified as necessary to reach the new goal. One of the most important tenets of the leadership creed is the accountability for providing the framework, environment, and resources to support high performance; and to passionately foster the success of individual team members.

The Planning Process for High Performance is a key characteristic of a winning sales culture!

Contact  us for more information about how AVBGS can help you Create A Winning Sales Culture!

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