Create a Winning Sales Culture | Sales Leader Attributes (Part I)


“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”        Leader

  • Alexander the Great


The very first thing I look for in a leader is integrity: Is the individual honest, truthful, credible, dependable/reliable and confident? Is the person comfortable with who he is? How at ease is the individual with saying they don’t know, or how about admitting to being wrong?  Furthermore, it sounds old school, but I want them to look me in the eye and give me a firm handshake. I want unwavering and consistent answers to questions of ethics, regardless of how many different ways I ask about questions of morality. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of how my inquiries might be cloaked in a veil of qualifying conditions. I expect clear, crisp and non-negotiable answers concerning questions about ethics.

In the workplace (and anywhere for that matter), people want a leader that they can trust and believe in, someone they are confident in to be consistent, and whose actions are in complete alignment with what he/she says. They want a leader who will unconditionally represent their best interests, stand up for what is right and always have their backs in difficult situations.  Furthermore, folks want someone who will give them straightforward, clear and honest answers when they pose the tough questions.

Leaders know when and how to “put the moose on the table”, addressing those difficult issues and having the unpleasant conversations that sometimes must take place. They know when and how to say no, while still being open to seeking the right answers and options. If what I am describing sounds like characteristics of good parents, then you get the picture of what we are looking for in a leader.

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