Create A Winning Sales Culture | Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Stamina (Part 5)

Persistence  “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. —Calvin Coolidge

A leader must bring energy, passion, and conviction to the team.  While we are not looking for an Olympic Decathlete, health and stamina are essential to an effective leader. The stamina I speak of is not just physical but includes spiritual and emotional strength.

You might ask the question: Why this is so this so important?  Well, it is because, as we all know, unforeseen and even difficult circumstances will inevitably occur from time to time; the business world is just a microcosm of life. Moreover, from time to time businesses will need to deal with adversity. The fact of the matter is that it is not a question of if, but more the reality of when misfortune will occur. These tough circumstances can and will manifest themselves in any number of ways. Nevertheless, the sales leader must possess requisite mental strength, determination, and persistence to successfully inspire and motivate the team in the face of said challenges. It goes without saying, that the leader himself must manifest visible composure, confidence, and commitment so that he might provoke and arouse the appropriate response from members of the team!

Thus, you will want to understand how in the past candidates have dealt with adversity in their lives. Examples would include those of overcoming challenges and setbacks on either a professional or personal level. The intent here is by no means to invade one’s sense of privacy; however, you want to have a clear understanding as to how the candidate deals with difficult circumstances: Does he or she merely blame others, simply attributing unfortunate incidents to bad luck, and then merely roll over and give up? Alternatively, has she demonstrated a willingness to persist, staring down hardship and giving this kind of situation her best shot?  This question is a critical one that must be answered in the affirmative because a key characteristic of a winning culture is perseverance. While this is an admired trait for each member of the team, it is imperative that the leader has the capability to deal effectively with tough circumstances.

Leadership determination and persistence is a key factor that exists in a winning sales culture!

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